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Neglected Tropical Diseases Gender and Equity Research: A PLOS Cross-Journal Call for Papers


This is a cross-journal call for papers, please submit to PLOS ONE or PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. The submission deadline for this Call for Papers has been extended to July 1, 2019.

This Call for Papers is now closed.

Jul 1 2019

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) affect some of the poorest and most disenfranchised populations in the world. By their very definition, NTDs are often overlooked in large-scale interventions and public health policy considerations. Yet the combined burden of these infections is considerable.

The global burden of NTDs is largely confined to low- and middle-income countries, where healthcare resources can be limited. Additionally, many other social or geographical factors influence the treatment and prevention of NTDs.

Despite progress in gender equality in recent decades, gender roles and relations continue to shape health experiences at the community level, access to health services and the ways in which health systems function. To fully explore why this is the case, PLOS ONE and PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases have launched a call for papers on NTDs Gender and Equity Research that address the importance of addressing gender and sex in NTDs research, policy, practice and program delivery.

Gender and sex remain prominent factors affecting access to health care, despite much progress in gender equality in recent decades. To fully explore why this is the case, PLOS ONE and PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases have launched a call for papers on NTD Gender and Equity Research that address the importance of gender and sex as considerations in the context of NTDs.

As outlined in the Editorial from PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases we are encouraging submissions that:

  1. Utilize a gender lens to assess the risk of disease exposure and the intersection with social and structural determinants of NTD infection and morbidity. These determinants may include water and sanitation, housing and clustering, environmental factors, migration, disasters and conflicts, sociocultural factors, or poverty, to name a few.
  2. Address sex or gender-associated health or social outcomes of NTDs, including the ways in which gender and other axes of inequity shape individual or household-level indicators of well-being relevant to NTD programs.
  3. Address gender at all levels of the NTD workforce and/or the leadership of NTD-oriented programs and organizations. This may include a focus on community drug distributors, research study staff, NTD program leadership, regional and global agencies, or other relevant workforce participants and the strengths and weaknesses of associated NTD programs.
  4. Address gender and equity in NTD program delivery including mass drug administration coverage, utilization of water and sanitation resources, vector control interventions, and access to disease management services for morbidity, disability, or mental health services.
  5. Address strategies to tailor NTD outreach programs to meet the gender-specific needs and priorities of specific targeted populations.

The deadline for submissions has been extended to July 1, 2019. Submissions will be handled by a specially selected group of Academic Editors. Articles that are accepted for publication and which fall within the scope for this call for papers will be published in a dedicated collection due to launch later this year.


Arianna Means
University of Washington, USA
Guest Editor, PLOS NTDs

Sally Theobald
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
Guest Editor, PLOS NTDs

Claudia Brodskyn
Gonçalo Moniz Research Center -FIOCRUZ-BA
Guest Editor, PLOS NTDs

Molly Mort
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Guest Editor, PLOS NTDs

Roshanak Semnani
Guest Editor, PLOS NTDs


Kannan Navaneetham
University of Botswana, Botswana
Guest Editor and Academic Editor, PLOS ONE


Nancy B. Mock
Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, USA
Guest Editor and Academic Editor, PLOS ONE



Articles must be submitted to PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases or PLOS ONE by 1 June, 2019. Submissions not selected for PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases may be offered transfer to PLOS ONE, before or after peer review, with the prospect of inclusion in the accompanying PLOS ONE Collection.

Are you ready to submit or want to learn more about how the submission process works? To submit to PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, please see To submit to PLOS ONE, please see

Questions about the PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Collection can be directed to; questions related to the PLOS ONE Collection can be sent to

When submitting to the Collection, select the Article Type “Research Article” and specify that you are submitting to the Collection “Neglected Tropical Diseases Gender and Equity Research” in your cover letter. Additionally, for PLOS ONE, please enter “NTDs Gender and Equity Research” in the Collections field of the submission form.


We aim to be as transparent as possible about our publishing and peer review processes. Papers submitted to PLOS ONE and under consideration for the Neglected Tropical Diseases Gender and Equity Research Collection will be specially handled by hand-selected active researchers from our Editorial Board, in partnership with Associate Editor Artur Arikainen.

For more information please see the PLOS ONE Editorial and Peer Review Information page


Submit your paper to be considered for this Collection.

To contribute your research to this Call for Papers, please submit your manuscript to one of the PLOS journals below. Please take note of the submission guidelines for each journal, which may have additional requirements, in addition to the scope above.

This call for papers is now closed.

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases publishes research devoted to the pathology, epidemiology, prevention, treatment and control of the neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), as well as public policy relevant to this group of diseases. To be considered for publication in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, any given manuscript must satisfy criteria including: originality; importance and relevance to researchers, practitioners, or policy makers in the field of NTDs; and interest for researchers or practitioners outside the field.

PLOS ONE accepts scientifically rigorous research, regardless of novelty. PLOS ONE’s broad scope provides a platform to publish primary research, including interdisciplinary and replication studies, as well as negative results. The journal’s publication criteria are based on high ethical standards and the rigor of the methodology and conclusions reported.

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