Pearls: Prions
PLOS Pathogens presents an Open Access compendium of the "lessons-that-last." This section, founded by Dr. Hiten Madhani and now led by Dr. Joseph Heitman and a team of twelve Pearls Editors, is a living collection of short educational and highly useful articles that address topics of relevance and importance within the wide-ranging field of pathogens research, with insights for trainees and scientists at all career stages.
Image Credit: Amboo Whoo
PLOS Pathogens Animal TSEs and public health: What remains of past lessons?
PLOS Pathogens Public health risks from subclinical variant CJD
PLOS Pathogens Elucidating the function of the prion protein
PLOS Pathogens Elucidating the structure of an infectious protein
PLOS Pathogens Silent Prions and Covert Prion Transmission
PLOS Pathogens Environmental Regulation of Prions in Yeast
PLOS Pathogens Prions—Not Your Immunologist’s Pathogen
PLOS Pathogens Peculiarities of Prion Diseases
PLOS Pathogens Five Questions on Prion Diseases
PLOS Pathogens The Importance of Prions
PLOS Pathogens The Role of Cofactors in Prion Propagation and Infectivity
PLOS Pathogens Mutation and Selection of Prions
Speaking of Medicine Lessons that Last, and Last, and Last: 400 Pearls and Still Counting
Speaking of Medicine Lessons that Last: 200 Pearls and Counting
PLOS Pearls: Bacteria
PLOS Pearls: Fungi
PLOS Pearls: Parasites
PLOS Pearls: Viruses