Physical activity, both exercise and non-exercise, has far-reaching benefits to physical health. Although exercise has also been linked to…
PLOS ONE presents a curated collection showcasing the diversity of work published in the field of Psychology. In this collection, we present a selection of research published in the last 5 years on a range of topics, from socio-scientific issues to emotions, from therapy to consciousness, from music and art to bilingualism.
This collection also highlights the broad array of research methods used in Psychology, including eye-tracking, fMRI, and virtual reality, as well as surveys and measures of cognitive functioning. To be included in future updates to this collection and those on similar topics, submit your work to PLOS ONE now, selecting one of the Psychology sections.
“PLOS ONE is a great choice for publication in psychological science. It is open to innovative research in any area of psychology, with a global perspective.” Professor Angelo Brandelli Costa, Psychology Section Editor
“PLOS ONE covers both basic and applied research in the field of psychology. Psychological studies in PLOS ONE have diverse and interdisciplinary topics, a wide variety of methods, and participants of various ages, from many different countries.” Professor Hirokazu Taniguchi, Psychology Section Editor
Image Credit: Pixabay
PLOS ONE Happier People Live More Active Lives: Using Smartphones to Link Happiness and Physical Activity
PLOS ONE Virtual race transformation reverses racial in-group bias
People generally show greater preference for members of their own racial group compared to racial out-group members. This type of…
PLOS ONE Neutralizing misinformation through inoculation: Exposing misleading argumentation techniques reduces their influence
Misinformation can undermine a well-functioning democracy. For example, public misconceptions about climate change can lead to lowered…
PLOS ONE Looking at paintings in the Vincent Van Gogh Museum: Eye movement patterns of children and adults
In the present study, we examined the eye movement behaviour of children and adults looking at five Van Gogh paintings in the Van Gogh…
PLOS ONE Does higher education hone cognitive functioning and learning efficacy? Findings from a large and diverse sample
Attending school is a multifaceted experience. Students are not only exposed to new knowledge but are also immersed in a structured…
PLOS ONE Disentangling the relationship between children’s motor ability, executive function and academic achievement
Even though positive relations between children’s motor ability and their academic achievement are frequently reported, the underlying…
PLOS ONE The influence of anticipated pride and guilt on pro-environmental decision making
The present research explores the relationship between anticipated emotions and pro-environmental decision making comparing two…
PLOS ONE Taking an educational psychology course improves neuroscience literacy but does not reduce belief in neuromyths
Educators are increasingly interested in applying neuroscience findings to improve educational practice. However, their understanding of…
PLOS ONE The Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS): A dynamic, multimodal set of facial and vocal expressions in North American English
The RAVDESS is a validated multimodal database of emotional speech and song. The database is gender balanced consisting of 24 professional…
PLOS ONE Dance training is superior to repetitive physical exercise in inducing brain plasticity in the elderly
Animal research indicates that a combination of physical activity and sensory enrichment has the largest and the only sustaining effect on…
PLOS ONE Changes in perceived scientific consensus shift beliefs about climate change and GM food safety
Despite an overwhelming scientific consensus, a sizable minority of people doubt that human activity is causing climate change.…
Image creditpsychiatry by Focal Project DE, CC BY 2.0PLOS ONE Populating the Data Ark: An attempt to retrieve, preserve, and liberate data from the most highly-cited psychology and psychiatry articles
The vast majority of scientific articles published to-date have not been accompanied by concomitant publication of the underlying research…
PLOS ONE Only giving orders? An experimental study of the sense of agency when giving or receiving commands
In human societies, agents are assumed to experience being the author of their own actions. These basic motoric experiences of action are…
PLOS ONE The impact of bilingualism on executive functions and working memory in young adults
A bilingual advantage in a form of a better performance of bilinguals in tasks tapping into executive function abilities has been reported…
Image creditMedicine for injection by Marco Verch Professional Photographer, CC BY 2.0PLOS ONE Beyond confidence: Development of a measure assessing the 5C psychological antecedents of vaccination
Background: Monitoring the reasons why a considerable number of people do not receive recommended vaccinations allows identification of…
PLOS ONE Evaluation of a template for countering misinformation—Real-world Autism treatment myth debunking
Misinformation poses significant challenges to evidence-based practice. In the public health domain specifically, treatment misinformation…
PLOS ONE Concreteness and emotional valence of episodic future thinking (EFT) independently affect the dynamics of intertemporal decisions
During intertemporal decisions, the value of future rewards decreases as a function of the delay of its receipt (temporal discounting,…
PLOS ONE Is religiousness really helpful to reduce depressive symptoms at old age? A longitudinal study
Background: Higher levels of religiousness are associated with better mental health outcomes, but most of previous research is…
PLOS ONE Free will beliefs are better predicted by dualism than determinism beliefs across different cultures
Most people believe in free will. Whether this belief is warranted or not, free will beliefs (FWB) are foundational for many legal systems…
PLOS ONE Virtual reality as a tool for environmental conservation and fundraising
Anecdotal evidence from philanthropic fundraisers shows that virtual reality (VR) technology increases empathy and can influence people…
PLOS ONE Fractal dimension of cortical functional connectivity networks & severity of disorders of consciousness
Recent evidence suggests that the quantity and quality of conscious experience may be a function of the complexity of activity in the…
Image creditCell Phone by Jeramey Jannene, CC BY 2.0PLOS ONE Effect of restricting bedtime mobile phone use on sleep, arousal, mood, and working memory: A randomized pilot trial
Background: This study aimed to assess the effects of restricting mobile phone use before bedtime on sleep, pre-sleep arousal, mood, and…
PLOS ONE Structural differences between REM and non-REM dream reports assessed by graph analysis
Dream reports collected after rapid eye movement sleep (REM) awakenings are, on average, longer, more vivid, bizarre, emotional and…
PLOS ONE Does having children increase environmental concern? Testing parenthood effects with longitudinal data from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study
Having children is a transformative experience and may change the way people think about the future. Parents invest time, energy and…
PLOS ONE Harmonic organisation conveys both universal and culture-specific cues for emotional expression in music
Previous research conducted on the cross-cultural perception of music and its emotional content has established that emotions can be…
PLOS ONE What makes music memorable? Relationships between acoustic musical features and music-evoked emotions and memories in older adults
Background and objectives: Music has a unique capacity to evoke both strong emotions and vivid autobiographical memories. Previous music…
PLOS ONE Hyper-altruistic behavior vanishes with high stakes
Using an incentivized experiment with statistical power, this paper explores the role of stakes in charitable giving of lottery prizes,…
PLOS ONE Riding the wave into wellbeing: A qualitative evaluation of surf therapy for individuals living with acquired brain injury
Nature has long demonstrated the capacity to facilitate wellbeing. Interventions involving the natural environment such as surf therapy,…
PLOS ONE Bridging the (Brexit) divide: Effects of a brief befriending meditation on affective polarization
The European Union Brexit referendum has divided the British electorate, with high levels of animosity between those who affiliate with…
PLOS ONE I love the way you love me: Responding to partner’s love language preferences boosts satisfaction in romantic heterosexual couples
Chapman’s Love Languages hypothesis claims that (1) people vary in the ways they prefer to receive and express affection and (2) romantic…
Image creditPeople Want to Know Where to Get Grit by Alan Levine, CC BY 2.0PLOS ONE The relative role of executive control and personality traits in grit
Although grit is predictive of wellbeing, educational achievement, and success in life, it has been conceptualized as largely distinct…