Substance Use, Misuse, and Dependence: Prevention and Treatment
Substance use and misuse affect people worldwide, of all ages and from all walks of life, resulting in a substantial burden of ill health and mortality, and presenting big challenges in prevention and treatment. For this Special Issue, we're calling for research papers from the diverse communities that work to support people and populations affected by substance use and misuse. Our goal is to bring together clinicians and researchers from all the specialties involved in caring for people and communities impacted by substance use disorder, to stimulate research and strengthen the knowledge and expertise to combat the consequences of substance use and misuse.
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Margarita Alegría Dr. Margarita Alegría
Steffanie Strathdee Dr. Steffanie Strathdee
Alexander Tsai Dr. Alexander Tsai
Philippe Bourgois Prof. Philippe Bourgois
Daniel Ciccarone Dr. Daniel Ciccarone
Hannah Cooper Dr. Hannah Cooper
Carl Hart Dr. Carl Hart
Lindsey Richardson Dr. Lindsey Richardson