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Medicine & Health

World Health Report 2012: No Health Without Research

Partnered Collections, Special Issues

In 2011, PLOS Medicine in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) on the theme of “No Health Without Research", intended to coincide with the release of the 2012 World Health Report by WHO. The collection's theme is oriented around the fact that decisions on healthcare are still made without a solid grounding in research evidence, and an impetus is required for this state of affairs to change. Articles below include examples previously published in PLOS journals in these specific areas of interest, along with articles submitted in response to the call for papers, and evaluated by a PLOS Medicine & WHO panel appropriate to the collection theme. The WHO panelists were Robert F. Terry and Tikki Pang.

Image Credit: Permission kindly granted by WHO for use of their logo; image compilation by PLOS.

  • Image credit
    A Research Agenda to Underpin Malaria Eradication
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    Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Translating Research into the Rapid Expansion of Services in Kenya, 2008–2011
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    The NIH-NIAID Filariasis Research Reagent Resource Center
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    Tsetse Fly (Top Left): Tam Nguyen, Wikimedia Commons; Hand (Top Right): cosmo flash, Flickr; Petri Dish (Bottom Left): Microrao, Wikimedia Commons; Hookworm (Bottom Right): CDC's Public Health Image Library, Wikimedia Commons.
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