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Archived Channels

A global forum for cholera research

Image Credit: CDC CC0

+ More About This Channel

The Cholera Channel features articles on applied and basic research related to the global fight against cholera. It includes a wide range of topics with application to cholera prevention and control, including basic science (such as cholera immunology, molecular biology), epidemiologic studies, microbiologic and computational studies exploring the dynamics and spread of cholera, and applied field research on the efficacy, effectiveness and impact of cholera control programs (such as water and sanitation interventions and oral cholera vaccines).

The Channel Editors showcase the most up to date research to assist various stakeholders in the global fight against cholera, including academics, practitioners, healthcare workers, policy makers, implementers, patients, and civil society. The scope of the Channel was developed with the Channel Editors, who will be responsible for curating the content that goes into the Channel.

Channel Editors

Andrew Azman headshot
Image credit


Andrew Azman
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Louise Ivers headshot
Image credit


Louise Ivers
Center for Global Health at Massachusetts General Hospital

Francisco Luquero headshot
Image credit


Francisco Luquero

Lorenzo Pezzoli headshot
Image credit


Lorenzo Pezzoli
Global Task Force on Cholera Control

Channel Items Showing 1 – 10 of 347 articles
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