Open Source Toolkit
A global forum for open source hardware and software research and applications
Image Credit: Jen Owen, CC0
+ More About This ChannelThe Open Source Toolkit features articles and online projects describing hardware and software that can be used in a research and/or science education setting across different fields, from basic to applied research. The channel editors aim to showcase how open source tools can lead to innovation, democratisation and increased reproducibility.
The Open Source movement revolutionized the way computer systems were developed and how companies made their businesses. Its philosophy requires that all source code should be freely shared, so that as many people as possible can use, change, learn, and improve upon it. This movement made its way into academia and several open source packages are available for scientists.
In recent years, the increasing availability and low cost of electronic components, processors and 3D printers meant that an open model of development has taken root also in the world of hardware, including the development of scientific lab equipment. The implications for research can hardly be overstated: “Open Labware” designs are almost always cheaper than “closed source” ones, allow for distributed development and, critically, customization by the end user, the lab scientist.
Channel Editors

Jen Owen, CC0

Jen Owen, CC0

Jen Owen, CC0

Jen Owen, CC0

Jen Owen, CC0
PLOS Computational Biology EDITOR’S PICK: bigPint: A Bioconductor visualization package that makes big data pint-sized
PLOS Computational Biology AlbaTraDIS: Comparative analysis of large datasets from parallel transposon mutagenesis experiments
PLOS Computational Biology OSS-DBS: Open-source simulation platform for deep brain stimulation with a comprehensive automated modeling
PLOS Computational Biology The genome polishing tool POLCA makes fast and accurate corrections in genome assemblies
Open Hardware Makers Open Hardware Makers