The Signaling Pathways Project is a multi-omics knowledgebase based upon public, manually curated transcriptomic and cistromic (ChIP-Seq) datasets involving genetic and small molecule manipulations of…
Biology & Life Sciences GLBIO 2017
The 12th Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference (GLBIO) 2017, organized by the GLBIO Consortium, aimed to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of research findings and methods in…
Biology & Life Sciences GIGA: Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance research
GIGA is an international non-profit community of scientists dedicated to promoting genomics research of diverse non-model invertebrate species. Invertebrates comprise over 95% of all animal species…
Biology & Life Sciences PLOS iGEM 2016
The iGEM Foundation is dedicated to the advancement of synthetic biology through the development of open community and collaboration. These aims are shared by PLOS, whose mission is to advance…
Medicine & Health Burden of Infectious Diseases in Europe
The Burden of Communicable Diseases in Europe (BCoDE) aimed to estimate the burden of communicable diseases applying a pathogen and incidence based approach to estimating DALYs (Disability Adjusted…
Biology & Life Sciences Advances in HIV Mucosal Immunology: Challenges and Opportunities
Without reliable methods to evaluate how the mucosal immune system responds to an experimental HIV vaccine, important information about how well that vaccine worked is missed. The HIV Mucosal…
Medicine & Health The Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than one million new sexually transmitted infections (STIs) occur each day, incurring a very substantial burden of morbidity…
Medicine & Health Minimally invasive autopsy for cause of death determination in high burden settings
In most middle and low-income countries, mortality data are crucial information to prioritize health policies but are inferred through highly inaccurate methods. Minimally invasive autopsy, a newly…
Medicine & Health Sport and Exercise Science
In this collection, PLOS ONE Associate Editor Dario Ummarino highlights some of the latest research in Sport and Exercise Science published in PLOS journals. The selection reflects the…
Physics Chemistry & Materials Editor’s Picks: Mathematical Biology
This collection showcases articles published in PLOS ONE that apply mathematics to biological questions. As the selection shows, this field is very broad, spanning topics such as angiogenesis…
Biology & Life Sciences PLOS iGEM 2017
The iGEM Foundation is dedicated to the advancement of synthetic biology through the development of open community and collaboration. These aims are shared by PLOS, whose mission is to advance…